Friday, February 24, 2006

to Affinity and beyond

They say that life is a wonder, I couldn't agree more. Many things happened in many different ways that brings people and issues together. Affinity is what I would term it as. Well, it's a routine I have in my repertoire, using the word 'Affinity' as my plot. It really amazing how many of my audiences are truly amaze with the routine. It actually slipped past my mind when and how I came up with the plot. I can only recalled it's probably around last year when I was performing extensively. Truly, it brings and gives meaning to my performance. It is usually the 1st card effect I would perform, and probably the only one should I have only time for 1 effect.

I always wonder the driving force behind the word 'Affinity'. It seem that God is the driving force. Bringing people together, taking them apart and connects people and mundane things in an unique manner. What are you doing my Lord? What's your rationale behind every thing that you do? A knowledge that is beyond the comprehension of every man. Nevertheless, your will for the good of man, whom you love very much.

Alpha and Omega, it's always as so. It's probably when you are nearing the end, you know when the affinity started, but you never know when it ends till the minute at your death bed. Long lost friends can bump into each all of the sudden and continue their friendship from there, they took a break from the 'previous end'. I seldom loses hope with life, for I feel that not knowing the future keeps me alive and looking forward for surprises, which I never felt when they came. I never imagine being friends with people whom I have not met, but I did. You people know who you are. I also never imagine to hang out with a friend whom we had not been contacting for 1 full year. You know who you are too. But the fact is, never put a full stop in life, for it ends only when the breathing stops at you.

I always like the idea getting to know people but wasn't a very approachable person, perhaps I wasn't a good conversationlist. The fact is having an ability to listen is not enough with people. I learned to response. Period. People crave for companion, good companion. Being a good person is not enough. Both have to click with each other and that's affinity. The strange force that put people with each other and side by side. Sincerity is a bonus, but never the primary cause. It's affinity.

May someday, to all who read this, I'll perform 'Affinity' to you. For those who have seen, I'll work on more incredible stuff to celebrate our friendship.

Here are few of the result of God's placement of affinity in my life...

Apparently I can't upload the photos, next time then...

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