Thursday, February 09, 2006

Non like this...

There's probably quite a few things I would like to jot down, but it's rather late and I have to wake up early for my stupid driving lesson. So I'll just keep it short.

First of all, I would like to send a BIG THANK YOU to the below mention people in no particular order:

Miss Charming Sweetie
Mr Softie Voice
Miss Pleasant Personality
Miss Kwel
Miss Jovial aka The Leader of the Band

For the present that you all gave. I simply love it...

Took a little dip with my new camera and a few 'artistic' shots of my PRESENT!!!

Here are the shots:

I don't celebrate birthday at all. In fact, for the past 6-7yrs, I never did. No lavish parties at pubs nor with families and frens. I was surprised though, that this year, I have a present. The feeling was good, in fact, being a surprised, it was even better.

My perception of a good 'birthday celebration', QUALITY TIME WITH LOVE ONES, which consist of friends, girlfriend (i'm single anyway) or anyone I'm close there and then. With quality time, I don't mean being in a room making love, nor a big lavish party at pubs or disco and definitely not things like chalets although all these can and might be part of Singaporean's style of a birthday celebration.

Allow me to give you an example. 21 yrs old birthday in pretty 'big deal' to many. In fact, many would call for a 'big' celebration. Many of my friends did. Not that I disapproved of their manner of celebration, nope, I don't disagree with them. Some of my friends had their parties at pubs, disco and some to the extend of booking a chalet and gather all their friends (I was one of them), families, colleagues and ex-school mates.

My 21st birthday 'celebration' was simply, with 2 of my church mate, Keith, (who by the way, is getting marry this coming March and I'll be chief organiser, making decisions and keeping things in organisation. I actually dying to be the MC more than anything and anyone else!), and Jimmy, my secondary school classmate cum church mate and Kaki in my hobby. We went for movie at Junction 8, no fancy dinner nor cake cutting and definitely no drinks. Oh yeah... there weren't any presents too. The fact that I still remember it is because it was a day well-spent. Quality!!!

The bottom line is, I enjoyed every moment, every second of my birthday and if I were to live all over again, I would still do the same. I feel good about myself, I feel good about the day and I definitely feel good about the company. So all of you out there who might beg to differ, the thing is, I don't have to make guests feel good on coming to the 'party', they won't feel awkward sitting to some strangers on their left and right and definitely I don't have to run around asking if they are alrite and saying, "Sorry, I hoped you don't mind and hoped you're not too bored or pardon my poor hospitality etc...". Still, a disclaimer, me being not that kind of person who celebrates birthday in the above mention manner does not mean I disapproved of it. I would still attend such birthday parties, but it's just not me to hold one of such. Period.

Rite... That Friday night was very much enjoyable. Me, Mr. Softie Voice, Ms Pleasant Personality and Ms Kwel gather at Chjimes for a drink. I had 2 in fact. We sat outside Bobby Rubino, a quiet table by the centre. We were drinking and chatting, nothing spectcular.

The best of the nite, was actually listening to Ms Kwel's stories of her CNY and her boss (hope I dun get her into trouble penning it here). To my amazement, she can share for hours (nope... you're not consider talkative, in my sense). How she 'entertained' the kids during CNY by being the banker for card games with bets of 10cents, in which she termed 'Kopi Tioyo' (in Hokkien). Gotten me remiscising my childhood days. 10 cents can actually buy one 'Sng Bao'. Haha... And how she... well, I got to censor this cos it might get her into trouble. If it does, there won't be any more stories for me. A little hint though, it's the hilarious stories on her working life.

She's like a story-teller, I was very engrossed in her stories and of cos, her exaggerated yet cute facial expressions as the stories was shared.

It was not exactly a birthday gathering, my birthday had past for a few days then.

Here you are... what I would consider... a Quality 'birthday celebration'.

I love you all!

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