Saturday, February 04, 2006

The second Moses

The Bible wrote that when Moses saw the Glory of God, his face was full of radiant and glowed with God's glory. I, since young, always wondered how does it look like, a face that reflects the glory of God.

I read a blog of my fren, Rena, ystr. All of a sudden, I had the urge to read her blog (I was about to switch off my pc to get ready to head off for my performance). An eulogy of an one and only time acquaintance, Kelvin David. Yes, he's dead. He left a very deep impression in my mind. Prior to my reading, I had been asking Rena abt him, ard the same time of his death. It didn't came as a surprise as he had mentioned during our acquaintance that his time was almost up.

So wat's the connection? The denominator was cancer. My mum died of cancer, so was David. Yes, those that spread throughout your body. In my mum's final days, she accepted Christ and was baptised, a truly joyful moment of my life. I had prayed, for years, for that day to come that the Lord will save her spirit and give her eternal life. It's quite different that for David, the death is on him while for me, I was watching my love one dying. Battling through the chemotherapy and all other nonsense one have to go through. It probably gives a little hope, for the patient, that one day he/she might get well while on the other hand, I knowing exactly that for my mum, that day will never come.

Days living in the hospice was an ordeal and torment to us all. Like a dark cloud that is about to rain yet it didn't. The chill and coldness of being alone in the open field without any shelter. I really thank Jesus that he brave the storm to bring an unbrella, walking towards my mum and embraces her. Amen!

In David case, I empthatised with him in that, he, was encouraging everyone (as I did to everyone during the wake of my mum) instead of recieveing. It takes great faith in Christ to tell everyone that I will not 'die' and will be looking forward for a long promised eternal life. We, in different ways, shared that with our love ones.

So what has to got to to with the bibilical Moses? I see the radiant glow and the glory of God in Kelvin. Yes, he's an indian with a dark skin, very dark in fact. But the glow in him actually caught my attention. During over conversation, I sensed a very strong aura in him, but I just didn't asked him if he was with God, a Christian, but I do very much sensed that he is. It was later in the conversation that he revealed he is a Christian, without much surprise as his aura was really strong. In my entire life as a Christian, I have yet to meet a youth around my age, Kelvin being 2 years older than I, to shine so brightly with God's radiant and glory. I envied him, and will gladly give everything, including my breath, just to be like Kelvin even it's just for that short moment. That moment to shine for Jesus is indeed truly a moment to die for.

So please pray for me that I will not forget Kelvin and that God will constantly use him as a guidance, a lighthouse for my life, shining my path towards Jesus. That one day, Jesus will find me a worthy vessels to shine for Him...

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