Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Bon Appetit

I can't believed it... I actually overcome and pushed myself doing what I would called, Biathlon Appetizer. I swam for 1km, equivalent to 20 laps, consecutively and completed a 5km run. With an hour lapse in between of course. Never had I did something like that though it's not really something fantastic.

I intend to take part in the SAFRA Annual Biathlon. Have yet to sign up though, reason being I'm not sure if I can endure and persevere through. Although I have always been constantly exercising ever since I left Army, my physique is not in tip-top condition. I ran, at times, twice a week but am not consistent with my distance and speed at each run. Other times, I skipped it totally. I'm not a speed runner, never clocked any outstanding timing before, even during my Army days.

So what spurs this lousy runner to take part in Biathlon? I want to challenge to myself, not aiming at being 1st or 2nd place at the Biathlon (I'm pretty sure I might not comes in last though), but to further discipline myself and improve on my fitness. Afterall, my reservist is around the corner, June in fact, and it will be a 3 weeks long affair. I do not want to be a liability to my mates, especially being a Specialist, somehow, the unspoken responsibility is there. Also I felt my body needs a little 'house-keeping'.

The workout today was not really grueling, but my thighs began to take a toll on my mind at around 3km point. It started aching and was constantly sending signals to my brain to stop my bloody feet. I pushed on, thinking of the days when I was a trainee during my Army days, being pushed and dragged by my sergeants and also when it was my duty to push my men during their run. That recollection motivated me tremendously. Afterall, everyone in there (the Army) had 'no choice' but to run upon the given command. Men, Specialist and Officers alike. I continued on.

When I turned in into my block, that feeling of completion was fantastic. Body all heated up with sweat dripping down and lips thristing for water. At that very moment, the cool breeze blew, seemingly to reward me for my good effort. I stood still and enjoyed. I spread my arms wide, letting the breeze caressing every inch of my body, cooling me down.

Allow me to taste the Entree and Dessert, I might just sign up before the end of the week...

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