Thursday, February 16, 2006

a prayer answered...

It's been a long time since I was involve in any volunteering work, and meetings. Perhaps it comes at a pretty good time cos I am in the process of keeping myself occupied, other than with work of course.

Volunteered myself to one of my long time friend's, Rixiang, request, who happens to be my ex-church mate (he's now serving in another church) . We will be organising a National Bible Quiz 2006 for the The Boys' Bridage Singapore. I was a boy with the BB when I was a student. Although being a school's ECA (now I believed it is term as CCA), it has left pretty much impact on me and my life.

First of all, it taught me, very well I supposed, that being capable is not something that will sees reward and recognition. Good relationship does helps, in this case, a lot, to push one up the ladder. I was 14 then. A couple of my mates and I were selected to be interviewed for promotion. Apparently, one of whom I find, being capable and with much dedication, did not made it. Instead, 2 other bugger did, whom was very well in relationship with the seniors, who was also our NCOs. I believed their appraisal help alot eh.

Second, true capabilities and dedications will persevere and reap rewards from that was sowed. That friend cum classmate of mine did made it to be a NCOs and went on to become an Officer (of the BB that is). I left by the time I was 15. It was after a few years, after I left, that I understand that. That 2 bugger quitted eventually.

So what makes or prompt me to go back to The Boys' Bridage to serve? Well, dedication and attachment I have with The Boys' Bridage. Over the short years serving in the BB had me build a bond, through God, that was so strong that I believe no one can break. Although it was more than 10 yrs since I was involved in any of its activities, nevertheless, I try to keep abreast of its movement, praying to God that some day that He will being me back to the BB and serve. What ever post I may be given. I was that 'crazy' to the extend of entertaining the thought of just walking in and volunteer myself for its service. I held back because I believed, although they may welcome and appreciate my passion, I doubt they will accept it. I quitted BB then, so without referrals, I probably won't be able to be involve. Perhaps.

I love The Boys' Bridage. "The Objectives of The Boys' Bridage shall be the advancement of Christ's Kingdom..." It has indeed brought me a step closer to Christ and also to know Him more and better each day.

I learn a lot about people in there than learning from books, although there are things I never able to apply, nevertheless, I did gain the knowledge from there. It is a good movement, one that teaches many things that other uniform groups, perhaps, do not teach (I may be bias on this), but most importantly, I believe, it is the dedication of Sir William Alexander Fraser, our Founder, that brought the good news of Christ to many youth that was and is lost in this crazy world. He founded a movement that teaches many life surviving skills, develop personal characters, and most importantly, the knowledge of Christ.

For many years, I had prayed, on and off, to go back to serve. Finally, with His blessings and invitation of RiXiang, I am finally back with The Boys' Bridage. I can't express how happy I am now, that my prayers have been answered (a testimony indeed that prayers do get answer if it's according to His will). Probably God has been preparing me for this work all along, I dunno. Most importantly, my prayers have been answered and that's all I cling on to.

We had the 1st committe meeting yesterday, and there's more to come. You bet I am looking forward to all of it, till the event that is to be held in September...

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