A dream is like a song, perfection it seeks but never reached. Always there is to add, to create, and where a stop we put? It will probably never come...
Friday, February 24, 2006
to Affinity and beyond
They say that life is a wonder, I couldn't agree more. Many things happened in many different ways that brings people and issues together. Affinity is what I would term it as. Well, it's a routine I have in my repertoire, using the word 'Affinity' as my plot. It really amazing how many of my audiences are truly amaze with the routine. It actually slipped past my mind when and how I came up with the plot. I can only recalled it's probably around last year when I was performing extensively. Truly, it brings and gives meaning to my performance. It is usually the 1st card effect I would perform, and probably the only one should I have only time for 1 effect.
I always wonder the driving force behind the word 'Affinity'. It seem that God is the driving force. Bringing people together, taking them apart and connects people and mundane things in an unique manner. What are you doing my Lord? What's your rationale behind every thing that you do? A knowledge that is beyond the comprehension of every man. Nevertheless, your will for the good of man, whom you love very much.
Alpha and Omega, it's always as so. It's probably when you are nearing the end, you know when the affinity started, but you never know when it ends till the minute at your death bed. Long lost friends can bump into each all of the sudden and continue their friendship from there, they took a break from the 'previous end'. I seldom loses hope with life, for I feel that not knowing the future keeps me alive and looking forward for surprises, which I never felt when they came. I never imagine being friends with people whom I have not met, but I did. You people know who you are. I also never imagine to hang out with a friend whom we had not been contacting for 1 full year. You know who you are too. But the fact is, never put a full stop in life, for it ends only when the breathing stops at you.
I always like the idea getting to know people but wasn't a very approachable person, perhaps I wasn't a good conversationlist. The fact is having an ability to listen is not enough with people. I learned to response. Period. People crave for companion, good companion. Being a good person is not enough. Both have to click with each other and that's affinity. The strange force that put people with each other and side by side. Sincerity is a bonus, but never the primary cause. It's affinity.
May someday, to all who read this, I'll perform 'Affinity' to you. For those who have seen, I'll work on more incredible stuff to celebrate our friendship.
Here are few of the result of God's placement of affinity in my life...
Apparently I can't upload the photos, next time then...
Thursday, February 16, 2006
a prayer answered...
It's been a long time since I was involve in any volunteering work, and meetings. Perhaps it comes at a pretty good time cos I am in the process of keeping myself occupied, other than with work of course.
Volunteered myself to one of my long time friend's, Rixiang, request, who happens to be my ex-church mate (he's now serving in another church) . We will be organising a National Bible Quiz 2006 for the The Boys' Bridage Singapore. I was a boy with the BB when I was a student. Although being a school's ECA (now I believed it is term as CCA), it has left pretty much impact on me and my life.
First of all, it taught me, very well I supposed, that being capable is not something that will sees reward and recognition. Good relationship does helps, in this case, a lot, to push one up the ladder. I was 14 then. A couple of my mates and I were selected to be interviewed for promotion. Apparently, one of whom I find, being capable and with much dedication, did not made it. Instead, 2 other bugger did, whom was very well in relationship with the seniors, who was also our NCOs. I believed their appraisal help alot eh.
Second, true capabilities and dedications will persevere and reap rewards from that was sowed. That friend cum classmate of mine did made it to be a NCOs and went on to become an Officer (of the BB that is). I left by the time I was 15. It was after a few years, after I left, that I understand that. That 2 bugger quitted eventually.
So what makes or prompt me to go back to The Boys' Bridage to serve? Well, dedication and attachment I have with The Boys' Bridage. Over the short years serving in the BB had me build a bond, through God, that was so strong that I believe no one can break. Although it was more than 10 yrs since I was involved in any of its activities, nevertheless, I try to keep abreast of its movement, praying to God that some day that He will being me back to the BB and serve. What ever post I may be given. I was that 'crazy' to the extend of entertaining the thought of just walking in and volunteer myself for its service. I held back because I believed, although they may welcome and appreciate my passion, I doubt they will accept it. I quitted BB then, so without referrals, I probably won't be able to be involve. Perhaps.
I love The Boys' Bridage. "The Objectives of The Boys' Bridage shall be the advancement of Christ's Kingdom..." It has indeed brought me a step closer to Christ and also to know Him more and better each day.
I learn a lot about people in there than learning from books, although there are things I never able to apply, nevertheless, I did gain the knowledge from there. It is a good movement, one that teaches many things that other uniform groups, perhaps, do not teach (I may be bias on this), but most importantly, I believe, it is the dedication of Sir William Alexander Fraser, our Founder, that brought the good news of Christ to many youth that was and is lost in this crazy world. He founded a movement that teaches many life surviving skills, develop personal characters, and most importantly, the knowledge of Christ.
For many years, I had prayed, on and off, to go back to serve. Finally, with His blessings and invitation of RiXiang, I am finally back with The Boys' Bridage. I can't express how happy I am now, that my prayers have been answered (a testimony indeed that prayers do get answer if it's according to His will). Probably God has been preparing me for this work all along, I dunno. Most importantly, my prayers have been answered and that's all I cling on to.
We had the 1st committe meeting yesterday, and there's more to come. You bet I am looking forward to all of it, till the event that is to be held in September...

First of all, it taught me, very well I supposed, that being capable is not something that will sees reward and recognition. Good relationship does helps, in this case, a lot, to push one up the ladder. I was 14 then. A couple of my mates and I were selected to be interviewed for promotion. Apparently, one of whom I find, being capable and with much dedication, did not made it. Instead, 2 other bugger did, whom was very well in relationship with the seniors, who was also our NCOs. I believed their appraisal help alot eh.
Second, true capabilities and dedications will persevere and reap rewards from that was sowed. That friend cum classmate of mine did made it to be a NCOs and went on to become an Officer (of the BB that is). I left by the time I was 15. It was after a few years, after I left, that I understand that. That 2 bugger quitted eventually.
So what makes or prompt me to go back to The Boys' Bridage to serve? Well, dedication and attachment I have with The Boys' Bridage. Over the short years serving in the BB had me build a bond, through God, that was so strong that I believe no one can break. Although it was more than 10 yrs since I was involved in any of its activities, nevertheless, I try to keep abreast of its movement, praying to God that some day that He will being me back to the BB and serve. What ever post I may be given. I was that 'crazy' to the extend of entertaining the thought of just walking in and volunteer myself for its service. I held back because I believed, although they may welcome and appreciate my passion, I doubt they will accept it. I quitted BB then, so without referrals, I probably won't be able to be involve. Perhaps.
I love The Boys' Bridage. "The Objectives of The Boys' Bridage shall be the advancement of Christ's Kingdom..." It has indeed brought me a step closer to Christ and also to know Him more and better each day.
I learn a lot about people in there than learning from books, although there are things I never able to apply, nevertheless, I did gain the knowledge from there. It is a good movement, one that teaches many things that other uniform groups, perhaps, do not teach (I may be bias on this), but most importantly, I believe, it is the dedication of Sir William Alexander Fraser, our Founder, that brought the good news of Christ to many youth that was and is lost in this crazy world. He founded a movement that teaches many life surviving skills, develop personal characters, and most importantly, the knowledge of Christ.
For many years, I had prayed, on and off, to go back to serve. Finally, with His blessings and invitation of RiXiang, I am finally back with The Boys' Bridage. I can't express how happy I am now, that my prayers have been answered (a testimony indeed that prayers do get answer if it's according to His will). Probably God has been preparing me for this work all along, I dunno. Most importantly, my prayers have been answered and that's all I cling on to.
We had the 1st committe meeting yesterday, and there's more to come. You bet I am looking forward to all of it, till the event that is to be held in September...
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Not without a reason...

Hmm... What causes me to change? I'm really wondering about that. Perhaps the hectic lifestyle my frens have affect me a little. Good or bad?? I dunno, but what I do know is, I was pretty unrest then. Perhaps it's the piling up of my work. My mind was thinking about so many things then. Promonational tools, brochures, staging, performance props etc... It was the 4th day of Lunar New Year. My fren drove which lessen the hassle. Nevertheless, my mind was unrest of the many things that I set for myself and required my immediate attention.
The good thing about the trip was I got to have a heart to heart chat with Michelle, my fren's girlfriend. She shared quite a number of thoughts with me. Partly was her work, being the head stylist of the saloon, she has to learn to overcome many problems that never before she thought she had to face. I didn't gave her any advice except to provide her with my listening ears. I believe it's much better than all the 'ifs' and 'maybes you could'.
As a woman, it is not uncommon to have qualms about her boyfriend's love for her. These lovely creatures, which Adam named as 'woman', want an assurance and to be loved, by the man they love of course. It occurs to me that, as sensitive as a woman can be, they prefered to see love-in-action. I believed that she can sense, very strongly, that my friend Kelvin loves her alot and I do see that in him, not that I'm siding him. Seriously, I asked him, if my memory served me well, early last year when they just gotten together for a while, if he has been strucked by love. Haha... apparently he brushed me away. That was, in fact, the side of him I doubt many of our friends had seen before. I assured Michelle that Kelvin did gave her his heart, and nevertheless, truly.
So what the hack am I talking about? Women need love, and plenty of it. Above that, love-in-action assures them everything they have doubts in. They do not need you to buy them super expensive stuff, even if they did insisted, the only reason is to 'test' whether are you willing to part your money for her. Which, at times, I think it's pretty legitimate for them to do so. After all, you can be sure that she might just cook for you everyday after buying her that diamond ring or necklace. And boy she will whipped up pretty nice dishes to heal your wound, that is if she cooks.
So... what will you do for her just to assure her of you love? It's up to your creativity I suppose, but remember the golden rule, it has to be something that spells romance. If not, you'll be wasting your bloody effort and sleeps in the living room for the whole week.
Here are some photos taken at the Sentosa...

Kelvin and me

Passe Poser

Mike and Kelvin

Me and Michelle, don't I feel SAFE???

btw, I'm single...
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Non like this...
There's probably quite a few things I would like to jot down, but it's rather late and I have to wake up early for my stupid driving lesson. So I'll just keep it short.
First of all, I would like to send a BIG THANK YOU to the below mention people in no particular order:
Miss Charming Sweetie
Mr Softie Voice
Miss Pleasant Personality
Miss Kwel
Miss Jovial aka The Leader of the Band
For the present that you all gave. I simply love it...

Took a little dip with my new camera and a few 'artistic' shots of my PRESENT!!!
Here are the shots:

I don't celebrate birthday at all. In fact, for the past 6-7yrs, I never did. No lavish parties at pubs nor with families and frens. I was surprised though, that this year, I have a present. The feeling was good, in fact, being a surprised, it was even better.
My perception of a good 'birthday celebration', QUALITY TIME WITH LOVE ONES, which consist of friends, girlfriend (i'm single anyway) or anyone I'm close there and then. With quality time, I don't mean being in a room making love, nor a big lavish party at pubs or disco and definitely not things like chalets although all these can and might be part of Singaporean's style of a birthday celebration.
Allow me to give you an example. 21 yrs old birthday in pretty 'big deal' to many. In fact, many would call for a 'big' celebration. Many of my friends did. Not that I disapproved of their manner of celebration, nope, I don't disagree with them. Some of my friends had their parties at pubs, disco and some to the extend of booking a chalet and gather all their friends (I was one of them), families, colleagues and ex-school mates.
My 21st birthday 'celebration' was simply, with 2 of my church mate, Keith, (who by the way, is getting marry this coming March and I'll be chief organiser, making decisions and keeping things in organisation. I actually dying to be the MC more than anything and anyone else!), and Jimmy, my secondary school classmate cum church mate and Kaki in my hobby. We went for movie at Junction 8, no fancy dinner nor cake cutting and definitely no drinks. Oh yeah... there weren't any presents too. The fact that I still remember it is because it was a day well-spent. Quality!!!
The bottom line is, I enjoyed every moment, every second of my birthday and if I were to live all over again, I would still do the same. I feel good about myself, I feel good about the day and I definitely feel good about the company. So all of you out there who might beg to differ, the thing is, I don't have to make guests feel good on coming to the 'party', they won't feel awkward sitting to some strangers on their left and right and definitely I don't have to run around asking if they are alrite and saying, "Sorry, I hoped you don't mind and hoped you're not too bored or pardon my poor hospitality etc...". Still, a disclaimer, me being not that kind of person who celebrates birthday in the above mention manner does not mean I disapproved of it. I would still attend such birthday parties, but it's just not me to hold one of such. Period.
Rite... That Friday night was very much enjoyable. Me, Mr. Softie Voice, Ms Pleasant Personality and Ms Kwel gather at Chjimes for a drink. I had 2 in fact. We sat outside Bobby Rubino, a quiet table by the centre. We were drinking and chatting, nothing spectcular.
The best of the nite, was actually listening to Ms Kwel's stories of her CNY and her boss (hope I dun get her into trouble penning it here). To my amazement, she can share for hours (nope... you're not consider talkative, in my sense). How she 'entertained' the kids during CNY by being the banker for card games with bets of 10cents, in which she termed 'Kopi Tioyo' (in Hokkien). Gotten me remiscising my childhood days. 10 cents can actually buy one 'Sng Bao'. Haha... And how she... well, I got to censor this cos it might get her into trouble. If it does, there won't be any more stories for me. A little hint though, it's the hilarious stories on her working life.
She's like a story-teller, I was very engrossed in her stories and of cos, her exaggerated yet cute facial expressions as the stories was shared.
It was not exactly a birthday gathering, my birthday had past for a few days then.
Here you are... what I would consider... a Quality 'birthday celebration'.
I love you all!
First of all, I would like to send a BIG THANK YOU to the below mention people in no particular order:
Miss Charming Sweetie
Mr Softie Voice
Miss Pleasant Personality
Miss Kwel
Miss Jovial aka The Leader of the Band
For the present that you all gave. I simply love it...

Took a little dip with my new camera and a few 'artistic' shots of my PRESENT!!!
Here are the shots:

I don't celebrate birthday at all. In fact, for the past 6-7yrs, I never did. No lavish parties at pubs nor with families and frens. I was surprised though, that this year, I have a present. The feeling was good, in fact, being a surprised, it was even better.
My perception of a good 'birthday celebration', QUALITY TIME WITH LOVE ONES, which consist of friends, girlfriend (i'm single anyway) or anyone I'm close there and then. With quality time, I don't mean being in a room making love, nor a big lavish party at pubs or disco and definitely not things like chalets although all these can and might be part of Singaporean's style of a birthday celebration.
Allow me to give you an example. 21 yrs old birthday in pretty 'big deal' to many. In fact, many would call for a 'big' celebration. Many of my friends did. Not that I disapproved of their manner of celebration, nope, I don't disagree with them. Some of my friends had their parties at pubs, disco and some to the extend of booking a chalet and gather all their friends (I was one of them), families, colleagues and ex-school mates.
My 21st birthday 'celebration' was simply, with 2 of my church mate, Keith, (who by the way, is getting marry this coming March and I'll be chief organiser, making decisions and keeping things in organisation. I actually dying to be the MC more than anything and anyone else!), and Jimmy, my secondary school classmate cum church mate and Kaki in my hobby. We went for movie at Junction 8, no fancy dinner nor cake cutting and definitely no drinks. Oh yeah... there weren't any presents too. The fact that I still remember it is because it was a day well-spent. Quality!!!
The bottom line is, I enjoyed every moment, every second of my birthday and if I were to live all over again, I would still do the same. I feel good about myself, I feel good about the day and I definitely feel good about the company. So all of you out there who might beg to differ, the thing is, I don't have to make guests feel good on coming to the 'party', they won't feel awkward sitting to some strangers on their left and right and definitely I don't have to run around asking if they are alrite and saying, "Sorry, I hoped you don't mind and hoped you're not too bored or pardon my poor hospitality etc...". Still, a disclaimer, me being not that kind of person who celebrates birthday in the above mention manner does not mean I disapproved of it. I would still attend such birthday parties, but it's just not me to hold one of such. Period.
Rite... That Friday night was very much enjoyable. Me, Mr. Softie Voice, Ms Pleasant Personality and Ms Kwel gather at Chjimes for a drink. I had 2 in fact. We sat outside Bobby Rubino, a quiet table by the centre. We were drinking and chatting, nothing spectcular.
The best of the nite, was actually listening to Ms Kwel's stories of her CNY and her boss (hope I dun get her into trouble penning it here). To my amazement, she can share for hours (nope... you're not consider talkative, in my sense). How she 'entertained' the kids during CNY by being the banker for card games with bets of 10cents, in which she termed 'Kopi Tioyo' (in Hokkien). Gotten me remiscising my childhood days. 10 cents can actually buy one 'Sng Bao'. Haha... And how she... well, I got to censor this cos it might get her into trouble. If it does, there won't be any more stories for me. A little hint though, it's the hilarious stories on her working life.
She's like a story-teller, I was very engrossed in her stories and of cos, her exaggerated yet cute facial expressions as the stories was shared.
It was not exactly a birthday gathering, my birthday had past for a few days then.
Here you are... what I would consider... a Quality 'birthday celebration'.
I love you all!
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Bon Appetit
I can't believed it... I actually overcome and pushed myself doing what I would called, Biathlon Appetizer. I swam for 1km, equivalent to 20 laps, consecutively and completed a 5km run. With an hour lapse in between of course. Never had I did something like that though it's not really something fantastic.
I intend to take part in the SAFRA Annual Biathlon. Have yet to sign up though, reason being I'm not sure if I can endure and persevere through. Although I have always been constantly exercising ever since I left Army, my physique is not in tip-top condition. I ran, at times, twice a week but am not consistent with my distance and speed at each run. Other times, I skipped it totally. I'm not a speed runner, never clocked any outstanding timing before, even during my Army days.
So what spurs this lousy runner to take part in Biathlon? I want to challenge to myself, not aiming at being 1st or 2nd place at the Biathlon (I'm pretty sure I might not comes in last though), but to further discipline myself and improve on my fitness. Afterall, my reservist is around the corner, June in fact, and it will be a 3 weeks long affair. I do not want to be a liability to my mates, especially being a Specialist, somehow, the unspoken responsibility is there. Also I felt my body needs a little 'house-keeping'.
The workout today was not really grueling, but my thighs began to take a toll on my mind at around 3km point. It started aching and was constantly sending signals to my brain to stop my bloody feet. I pushed on, thinking of the days when I was a trainee during my Army days, being pushed and dragged by my sergeants and also when it was my duty to push my men during their run. That recollection motivated me tremendously. Afterall, everyone in there (the Army) had 'no choice' but to run upon the given command. Men, Specialist and Officers alike. I continued on.
When I turned in into my block, that feeling of completion was fantastic. Body all heated up with sweat dripping down and lips thristing for water. At that very moment, the cool breeze blew, seemingly to reward me for my good effort. I stood still and enjoyed. I spread my arms wide, letting the breeze caressing every inch of my body, cooling me down.
Allow me to taste the Entree and Dessert, I might just sign up before the end of the week...
I intend to take part in the SAFRA Annual Biathlon. Have yet to sign up though, reason being I'm not sure if I can endure and persevere through. Although I have always been constantly exercising ever since I left Army, my physique is not in tip-top condition. I ran, at times, twice a week but am not consistent with my distance and speed at each run. Other times, I skipped it totally. I'm not a speed runner, never clocked any outstanding timing before, even during my Army days.
So what spurs this lousy runner to take part in Biathlon? I want to challenge to myself, not aiming at being 1st or 2nd place at the Biathlon (I'm pretty sure I might not comes in last though), but to further discipline myself and improve on my fitness. Afterall, my reservist is around the corner, June in fact, and it will be a 3 weeks long affair. I do not want to be a liability to my mates, especially being a Specialist, somehow, the unspoken responsibility is there. Also I felt my body needs a little 'house-keeping'.
The workout today was not really grueling, but my thighs began to take a toll on my mind at around 3km point. It started aching and was constantly sending signals to my brain to stop my bloody feet. I pushed on, thinking of the days when I was a trainee during my Army days, being pushed and dragged by my sergeants and also when it was my duty to push my men during their run. That recollection motivated me tremendously. Afterall, everyone in there (the Army) had 'no choice' but to run upon the given command. Men, Specialist and Officers alike. I continued on.
When I turned in into my block, that feeling of completion was fantastic. Body all heated up with sweat dripping down and lips thristing for water. At that very moment, the cool breeze blew, seemingly to reward me for my good effort. I stood still and enjoyed. I spread my arms wide, letting the breeze caressing every inch of my body, cooling me down.
Allow me to taste the Entree and Dessert, I might just sign up before the end of the week...
Monday, February 06, 2006
Can I join you there...?
The dripping drops break the serene of the night
Twisting and turning upon my bed I laid
Wishing that silence rings only upon my ears
Are you with me, or in the land of fantasies??
Making up what you wished you could have been
Can I join you there?
I'll lit a cigarette if I ever smoke
Views through that window, I might just enjoy
If ever that helps to sooth my soul
Couldn't time ticks a little faster bringing light upon my face?
So bright my eyes will close, I will lay on my bed
And create my own fantasies
This is my night, at times without the drips
Twisting and turning upon my bed I laid
Wishing that silence rings only upon my ears
Saturday, February 04, 2006
The second Moses
The Bible wrote that when Moses saw the Glory of God, his face was full of radiant and glowed with God's glory. I, since young, always wondered how does it look like, a face that reflects the glory of God.
I read a blog of my fren, Rena, ystr. All of a sudden, I had the urge to read her blog (I was about to switch off my pc to get ready to head off for my performance). An eulogy of an one and only time acquaintance, Kelvin David. Yes, he's dead. He left a very deep impression in my mind. Prior to my reading, I had been asking Rena abt him, ard the same time of his death. It didn't came as a surprise as he had mentioned during our acquaintance that his time was almost up.
So wat's the connection? The denominator was cancer. My mum died of cancer, so was David. Yes, those that spread throughout your body. In my mum's final days, she accepted Christ and was baptised, a truly joyful moment of my life. I had prayed, for years, for that day to come that the Lord will save her spirit and give her eternal life. It's quite different that for David, the death is on him while for me, I was watching my love one dying. Battling through the chemotherapy and all other nonsense one have to go through. It probably gives a little hope, for the patient, that one day he/she might get well while on the other hand, I knowing exactly that for my mum, that day will never come.
Days living in the hospice was an ordeal and torment to us all. Like a dark cloud that is about to rain yet it didn't. The chill and coldness of being alone in the open field without any shelter. I really thank Jesus that he brave the storm to bring an unbrella, walking towards my mum and embraces her. Amen!
In David case, I empthatised with him in that, he, was encouraging everyone (as I did to everyone during the wake of my mum) instead of recieveing. It takes great faith in Christ to tell everyone that I will not 'die' and will be looking forward for a long promised eternal life. We, in different ways, shared that with our love ones.
So what has to got to to with the bibilical Moses? I see the radiant glow and the glory of God in Kelvin. Yes, he's an indian with a dark skin, very dark in fact. But the glow in him actually caught my attention. During over conversation, I sensed a very strong aura in him, but I just didn't asked him if he was with God, a Christian, but I do very much sensed that he is. It was later in the conversation that he revealed he is a Christian, without much surprise as his aura was really strong. In my entire life as a Christian, I have yet to meet a youth around my age, Kelvin being 2 years older than I, to shine so brightly with God's radiant and glory. I envied him, and will gladly give everything, including my breath, just to be like Kelvin even it's just for that short moment. That moment to shine for Jesus is indeed truly a moment to die for.
So please pray for me that I will not forget Kelvin and that God will constantly use him as a guidance, a lighthouse for my life, shining my path towards Jesus. That one day, Jesus will find me a worthy vessels to shine for Him...
I read a blog of my fren, Rena, ystr. All of a sudden, I had the urge to read her blog (I was about to switch off my pc to get ready to head off for my performance). An eulogy of an one and only time acquaintance, Kelvin David. Yes, he's dead. He left a very deep impression in my mind. Prior to my reading, I had been asking Rena abt him, ard the same time of his death. It didn't came as a surprise as he had mentioned during our acquaintance that his time was almost up.
So wat's the connection? The denominator was cancer. My mum died of cancer, so was David. Yes, those that spread throughout your body. In my mum's final days, she accepted Christ and was baptised, a truly joyful moment of my life. I had prayed, for years, for that day to come that the Lord will save her spirit and give her eternal life. It's quite different that for David, the death is on him while for me, I was watching my love one dying. Battling through the chemotherapy and all other nonsense one have to go through. It probably gives a little hope, for the patient, that one day he/she might get well while on the other hand, I knowing exactly that for my mum, that day will never come.
Days living in the hospice was an ordeal and torment to us all. Like a dark cloud that is about to rain yet it didn't. The chill and coldness of being alone in the open field without any shelter. I really thank Jesus that he brave the storm to bring an unbrella, walking towards my mum and embraces her. Amen!
In David case, I empthatised with him in that, he, was encouraging everyone (as I did to everyone during the wake of my mum) instead of recieveing. It takes great faith in Christ to tell everyone that I will not 'die' and will be looking forward for a long promised eternal life. We, in different ways, shared that with our love ones.
So what has to got to to with the bibilical Moses? I see the radiant glow and the glory of God in Kelvin. Yes, he's an indian with a dark skin, very dark in fact. But the glow in him actually caught my attention. During over conversation, I sensed a very strong aura in him, but I just didn't asked him if he was with God, a Christian, but I do very much sensed that he is. It was later in the conversation that he revealed he is a Christian, without much surprise as his aura was really strong. In my entire life as a Christian, I have yet to meet a youth around my age, Kelvin being 2 years older than I, to shine so brightly with God's radiant and glory. I envied him, and will gladly give everything, including my breath, just to be like Kelvin even it's just for that short moment. That moment to shine for Jesus is indeed truly a moment to die for.
So please pray for me that I will not forget Kelvin and that God will constantly use him as a guidance, a lighthouse for my life, shining my path towards Jesus. That one day, Jesus will find me a worthy vessels to shine for Him...
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Hidden secrets of the Dread
Hmm... I was wrong. The arrival of the dread somehow unfolds itself with much pleasant surprises. Firstly, there
was the walk at River Ang Bao, which to my surprise, was pretty enjoyable. The COMPANY that is.

I always believed that it's the company that counts, which in this case, I was right. I had enjoyed the walk through the crowd while hearing the cute whining of Miss Charming Sweetie Pie of being hot and perspiring. Well, this is one kinda 'whining' that I probably will not find a dread hearing. It's really cute n funny when you hear her whine. The soft, cutsy manner when she phrase her words, alas, softens the negativity of the whining. Adding a little laughter too.
One of the highlights was towards the centre of the event venue was the 12 Chinese Animal Characters. Me, Miss Charming Sweetie Pie, The Great Salesman and Miss Jovial aka Leader of the Band was like hunting ard to find their characters. I'm never was keen on this kinda characters n horoscopes reading and I am quite in fact against the idea, being a Christian I suppose. But since I'm there, I just help them to find their's. I guess the most difficult to find was the one belonging to Miss Charming Sweetie Pie. We were like, walking in circles just to find her's. I was thinking to myself, is she dat much a difficult person as to finding her Zodiac? Dun judge a book by her cover, but it has not been proven so... as for now. I would like to read it one day. Period.
I am very much amazed by the how people believes in what's written there. They do not bother about the source of the writings and just read as if it's 'true' (on the positive and well preferred writings). Still it gives hopes to all who reads. A source of 'encouragement' for the positive divination and a warning for the negatives.
In Chinese characters, there 2 interpretations on the word 'Hope' that I like very much. They are 'Xi Wang' and 'Pang Wang'. Both can be loosely translate as 'Hope', except that in Chinese language, these words are more exact in meaning.
'Xi Wang' - A hope that one has in hoping that the hope he hopes for will materialise, by just blank thought constantly. Intangible connotation.
'Pang Wang' - A hope that one is looking forward to its materialising, in matter of time. Tangible connotation.
It is through Christ that we can Pang Wang all good to come in this life, living this life to look forward to His second coming and eternal life and as the Bible says, he had came and will come again. What are you looking for in life? What is your hopes based on? The tangible or the intangible? You make your choice. Period.
On the River Ang Bao -
The crowd was not that pack to the extend that we have to squeeze and push around. There's still room to walk around with occassion brushing of shoulders. And that's pretty much about it. As for the stalls there, it's the typical pasar malam stuff. How I wish that the organisers can come up with more relevant stuff to feature there. I remembered once I worked at the River Ang Bao. I was with a talent mgmt coy selling balloon sculptures. It sold like hot cakes. RAB was introduced a few years ago then, which the idea was still pretty fresh in the mind of Singaporean. However, one thing about the RAB that I would like to praise about was the deco. It is much better that those that I had went (although I still think it has much more to improve on). There wasn't much peripherals events other than the deco and the stall (or perhaps we were there at the 'wrong' time???). It does liven up the venue a litte if they had chinese arcobatics performing or busking.
The Fire Works -
It was pretty spectacular. It was a rough 5 mins display. It came upon as a surprise (which I pretty much dislike the idea, although Miss Charming Sweetie Pie kinda likes it, sheesh... haha). Here are some highlights for those who missed it. Not fanstatically taken, but here's my best shot.

Well... that's all I have for the fireworks. Looking forward to...
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