Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Let's take a walk together...

The idea of fallin in love seems scary to some people. Perhaps to them, it's something to avoid by all means.

What could be the reasons behind?

Breach of trust? Not planning to commit? The fear of being hurt again?

All in all, it sums down to one phrase... Fear of Uncertainty...

It's not difficult to understand that why people fear. Everyone has a dream and ideal when it comes to love and relationship. Every one wants it their way.

Many who survived till their spouse past away knows one thing for sure, a willing 'compromise' (not the best choice of words, but my vocab is limited. You get what I mean). Then again, retracting a little, not many actually know or live by it, but their relationship still survived to 'till death do we part'.

What am I trying to say here? Broken relationships leave us dry mentally and emotionally. With all disappointment, we don't dare to accept another one, or to start.

How then, can we pull ourselves through and take that step of faith?

Confidence... Have confidence of ourselves, yourself. Have faith that you are able to make the next relationship good and better. Not necessary exactly the way you want. Think about it, we cannot always have our ways. It's relationship and we can't be autocratic about it.

So, having two 'failed' relationships myself, what makes me sounds like a guru at this? Well, basically I find myself giving my best in all, me and my previous beau just can't take that path to marriage. Perhaps my best isn't what they are looking for, but with my love and romance (I am quite a romantic person, at least not of my own words), I feel that I love them with all that I have.

Well, nevertheless, I do 'compromise' willingly and gave my beaus every love I could muster and of course... Every day then, was falling in love for me...

Friday, May 12, 2006

falling hopeless in love...?

What is it like to meet that someone special? How would I feel? How would I react? What will we talk about? Or share? Will there be full of laughter? Or will there be plain silence where we both know that we are enjoying each other's company?

Where will we bump into each other? What is my so-called 'pick up line'? And her response? A smile, grin, or a immediate walk away yet so slow that it's telling me to follow? I always wonder how would I meet my next special girl of my life? After all, I would say I'm quite hopelessly romantic kinda person... though can be a little eccentric confess I must.

Most of my friends always asked me if I am finding someone, well, I never like the idea of using the word 'FIND'. It's like... making one desperate emotionally and physically. I never like that notion at all. I would usually replied, "Well, you don't find, she'll appear when time comes." Indeed it hasn't, or maybe not. Haha...

Well, I'm pretty sure that that time will come, perhaps for the 'when?', I'm not too sure. I do hope it will be hopelessly romantic, or at least upon reminiscing of how our love life, it would be as so.

Then again, will we be together? Will we get married? Or are we looking for that romance that is forever in our heart, something that we will bring out whenever we feel down or sad; just to put a smile on our lips. A romance that can't be compare with any others, perhaps not even with our present spouse or partner. Reason being, if we decided to be together, that beautiful romance will fade and turn dark, perhaps it won't be the romantic romance we yearn for anymore.

Whatever it is, I believe in Love and Romance everlasting. Ideally, spending the rest of my life with that special someone. Will I get to? Time will tell...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Seven under Par

It's been quite some time since I last shared my thoughts. Quite. Things happened so quickly that I do not know where to start actually.

First of all, I hosted 2 weddings in a row over 2 weekends. Somehow, I think I am signing on to this new found 'career'. Haha... Perhaps I should consider selling it as a service.

Although I love weddings, working in one is actually kinda different. At times, I felt special, and others, I don't. I guess it's pretty much who are you 'working' for. How close is the bride and groom to you. If it's someone whom you know but not very close, I think the feeling is just mutual. Nevertheless, I enjoyed most of the sessions I was hosting in.

Nevermind that. I realised, I should be more active in my work. I should be pushy towards myself, which for the past week, I did pushed myself a little. Work has been progressive, and I praise God for His blessings.

Looking at the tv show 'Yong Bu Yan Bai' makes me even more motivated to bring my work towards excellence. I sometimes wonder if these contestants realised that they are not just not good, but they terrible. Terrible singers, terrible jokers and terrible entertainers. The word 'terrible', I consider, is already being gracious to them. I can never understand those people who take part in America Idol, minus the able singers, they dressed up outrageously fanciful and worst of all can't sing a single proper note. Then again, it's in the US, so I guess these people are pushing their luck to its limit. But in Singapore??? Don't these contestants know that there's no easy path towards success in the line of entertainment??? If, by singing badly is able to get them fame, they should realise that it's probably a negative one.

I seriously hope that Mediacorp will come out something solid, something that is worth my time to watch. These so-called contest is actually, I feel, 'making a fool of yourself tv show'. By no means I am insulting the tv program, but I do feel that although there people deserved a 'second chance', I do hope that they at least put in effort to put up a good show and for the judges, at least select those who can make it.

Now... here are some photos from my friend n cousin's wedding.

Me n Winston

Me my bro and my cousin

Me n my niece, Rena