Sunday, April 16, 2006

a little sharing...

Few things that I would like to share here, but I hope I won't dooze off half way. Haha... here goes...

Firstly, I experienced the life of an hawker. It's extremely tiring. My friend's worker was on off last Wednesday, so he called me up 2 days before and asked me to help him out for a day. Thank God it was only a short, but terrible 8 hrs. I promised myself never to volunteer such lobang again. I had to wake up at 5am, where he picked me up on a cab. It was a short ride as his stall is in Bishan, and we stay in Ang Mo Kio. The fact that I slept at 230am that very morning and had a couple of drinks with my friend made the whole experience worst. Well, more of ill-discipline on my side. I thank God that it was not a busy morning. Looking at what my friend did that morning made me tell myself never to step into this line. Not that it's not a lucrative business, but the fact that so many work had to be done and usually ends up oily, sticky n dirty... Man... I can't take it, not for the rest of my life.

I used to work part-time at another friend's hotpot stall, it was much worst. Cleaning the table, alot more work though. My friend had to fried the bee hoon, kway teow n mee. The eggs, sausages, harsh brown etc. Boy... I didn't realise it was that oily. Imagine that I lurve fried bee hoon and the dishes that comes along with it. It changed my mind on having it again. I had been very health conscious ever since I left Army. Putting on weight after my service is kinda demoralizing. I worked very hard to shed off those pounds when I was in the service. Now I have to work even harder since I don't have a proper training schedule, no more out field and physical training, it makes self-discipline even tougher to uphold.

Morever, I run at least 5km twice a week but it seems that it only maintain my present weight, but not shedding more pounds off me. Super demoralizing. It sums down to my diet. I don't take oily nor sweet nor salty stuff. Not even ice-cream, but no matter how much I exercise, my tummy stays with me. Darn. Perhaps is the alcohol, well, that is one thing I find it hard to abstain. Haha... I simply love to drink, not that I'm an alcoholic, but I just enjoy the chilling out with friends. Hmm...

Anyway, waking up at 5am is something that had not been in my dictionary for a very very long time. The last time I woke up almost that early was some time after my NS. I tried to bring my army regime to my newly found civillian life. Apparently it does not work that way, the time before was for my friend's wedding. Well, had to do gate crashing. Sheesh... you know what I mean.

Bottomline is... a hawker's like is indeed tough. When there's rainy days, sale goes down. Worst when the coffee shop opposite you has a similar stall. Fighting prices is inevitable, and the quality of the food has to maintain at high standard each and every day. Tough...

Next... I'm ultra pissed with my driving instructor. He's quite unprofessional. I might be a slow learner, but his attitude is a little overboard. Perhaps the toothpaste effect is true. Get some loose some. It's cheaper going to a private instructor, but quality is indeed bad. Well, he's not that exactly that bad, but recently I am quite impatient with him. My test is next month and I have yet to learn serveral of the important aspect of driving. For example, parking. 3 weeks ago, I mentioned to him that I had not learn parking. He was like... ok, we'll do it next week. The week after, he didn't taught me either.

Last week, I asked him if I'm learning parking, he took me to a secluded place to learn parking, there was 2 other cars there. After staying for 10-15 mins, we left. Darn... the 2nd lesson for that week, I ask him are we learning parking again, guess what he said??? "Didn't I taught you already?" Boy... it really pisses me off. I retorted, I have yet to learn reverse parking, pararell parking and normal parking. What the hack is this man??? I would never recommend him to anyone man. If I fail my coming test due to things that he did not teach me, I will make sure he gets loads of shit from me. How can anyone be so unprofessional? He took advantage of my time here and there, which I am flexible about it, but not teaching me the properly, it's unforgiving at all.

I realised from my friends that certain things is actually not the right thing to do as a student. Such as crossing of arms when doing U-Turn, or when changing of lanes, one should do it gradually instead of sudden entering to the next lane. I didn't realised I had so many mistakes. Darn that instructor. I will definitelymake sure he gets what he deserved if I failed my test due to his negligence.

Ok... it's bed time. Have to wake up for church later. Nite to all...

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