Sunday, June 04, 2006

a new creation

Has it gone to drain? Or do we stop believing?

Knowledge, convictions, things that we learnt and was taught. Our moral up bringing... has it been compromise?

As we grow older, many things seems to be able to 'stretch' a little... Well, at least our moral does. Are we compromising ourselves by stop upholding what was once dear to us, our morals values.

Recently, I realised that I am no longer than staunch as I used to. In fact, over the recent years, I kinda 'stretch' my limit on acceptance of undesirable behaviour. I accepted that of myself and my frens' values... Or was 'tolerance' the 'proper' word here?

I still do not certain behaviour, but I am not standing up to it. Why??? Perhaps no one likes to be reprimand nor being told or what's right and what's wrong. Do I fear the fact that telling or giving my gentle reminder and that of five cents worth of thought would gain me nothing but irritance from my mates?

I dunno, although I don't accept, I 'followed' any way. At times I felt I should walked away from such behaviour, but does it help just doing that? WIth my prescence, am I telling my frens that I'm supporting their decisions or am I trying to understand them and finding a way out to dissauade them from doing so?

I don't have a 100% perfect morals discipline, at times I can be a little off. Yes... I made mistakes, not that of hurting anyone. But I find that the one ultimately being hurt is myself. Guiltiness that stays within my conscience, the uneasiness living day to day when the memories of the wrong doing that I did comes back and haunt me...

Father God, forgive me. Forgive me totally, cleanse me with the Blood of Christ that I can be clean and pure once again in your sight and stays in your prescence. I hardly confess to you often enough and asked for your forgiveness, yet your mercy and love kept pouring upon me day by day, night by night. I hardly deserved any but you remain faithful to your words and promise to me despite I hurt you with my wrong doing.

Uphold me and create in me a new heart. One that was once pure and clean in your sight. Let the heart of Christ be my heart that with each heart beat, it's you that I'm beating for...

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