Saturday, January 21, 2006

Come dream with me...

Welcome... Welcome... Come lay beside me and dream.

This is my new bed where I lay asleep and dream aloud. All thanks to Rena, her blog here tempted me to get a space, and I thought to myself, might as well move in my bed.

Oh yeah... one more thing before i go on, I would like to thank Rena, for plagiarizing my you know wat. Should I feel honoured about it??? I dunno, but it does serve its purpose...

As John Lennon penned, "You may say I'm a dreamer... but I'm not the only one...". The first time I heard this song, Imagine, I was very young, primary school to be exact. I fell in love with it. Never gotten the song into my head though, but these words has been my companion throughout my childhood and it still lingers in my head.

I'm a dreamer, everybody tells me so. Idealistic, them being polite, is not a bad thing I feel. I mean, how often do you get what you want? So I dream... of everything. It keeps my spirit alive and allows me to escape from the 'harsh' reality. C'mon, I'm sure you want a world dat allows your heart to rule and express freely. Everyone there abides to you 'willingly' and the path you walk upon is pave with golden bricks (yes yes, i'm plagiarizing here but you get the idea).

And that is why i dream... i can be anyone i want to be, for that moment, and wake up feeling good abt it. And yes, i do wake up from my dream. Frankly speaking, running through my memories, my dreams i mean, there are only a few things i actually dreamt of. And what are those? Stay tune to future blogs to find out.

I guess i'm pretty blessed, in everyway, that my work allows me to dream alot. No, i dun work as a QC for bed companies (perhaps I should give a shot at that). I create, wat seemingly impossible for the eyes, illusions. I dun know how the hack i gotten myself into this line but i'm glad i did. Illusions of what kind, I dun intend to put it here as yet, but it's good. It will put a smile on ur lips.

Back to the dreams... I'm rather excited at this moment and should you like to dream with me, do feel free and let me now, but remember, it's only a dream. We all have to wake up, but while we are awake, let us look forward to nite fall...


Elvina aka LaoNiang said...

Wahhhhhhhhh......Thanks for crediting me on your blog! Let me be the first to comment ahahaha!!!

At first I was wondering what you meant - then i realise u were talking about "Ms Charming Sweetie Pie" hahha...

Dude, that was written for your eyes - so it's more like a tease than plagarism.

Welcome again and hope you will continue to blog!

eisen said...

Well, it suppose to stay within my blog (yeah... i'm a selfish bugger, haha). Then again, it can be anywhere but the adverts eh...

U know wat i mean... have a good wkend!