Thursday, October 26, 2006

how or what???

reading blogs that post topic about love and relationships really makes me feel that many people out there seems to be ignorant about love.

I'm not an expert in the field nor have I been through many relationships to say that I'm experience.

A parallel analogy that I find it quite close to how to have a successful relationship. I think...

Many years back, in fact, during my school days, my English teacher once shared with my class on studying. Successful people clears their exams at their first shot. She goes on to explain, taking 'O' levels as an example... People who did well in their 'O's did it the 1st and only one time. Taking 'O' levels a few more time doesn't make one to be experience and excelled better than those who took only 1 time.

It's pretty true when it comes to relationship. There are marriages that is so-called 'Arranged Marriage'. Relationship 'blossomed' after being together, or to say... married. Many survived and moved on to be happy and enjoyed a blissful marriage. I'm not saying it's across the board.

How then, in this society, can we achieve that???

Read my fren's blog recently and there were questions thrown to her which makes me feel that it's quite mundane. Of the questions being asked, most of it is about a 'want', the way the question is being phrase, in fact, I can jolly well say that even the 'giver''s motivation comes from a want.

Do we not give anymore??? As freely as we should??? If the 'giving' is motivated from a 'want', where then, is the spirit of love???

Below are the 'stupid' questions asked:

1) a guy friend who ask you what a man must do to make the girl he loves happy?
2) a girl who is in love with someone she does not really trust?
3) a good friend who prefers to leave her life to Fate, and believes she's meant to be lonely and loveless?
4) a sister who is hurting from the loss of one love, and confused about the love from another?

Successful relationships usually are success during the 1st try. You can have many relationships before, but what I mean is that when the right one has comes, usually it takes 1 go at it and end of story.

Breaking up, then patching up again. Broke off and comes back together again, boy... it's better to live life without each other. Get what I mean????

And can we consider that a person who has numerous relationships is very experienced and knows how to handle one?? Think again. If that person proclaimed (I shall put it in masculine voice but applies to female eh) he is experience and knows how to handle relationship well, how then, does he still has a lot of relationships and not yet settle down???

Think again eh!!!

Many of all these relationships problem and disagreement comes for a want. "I want" and never "I love". It is only from a want, that one desires blind one's eyes to see the real deal.

With thoughts on others, it would be like, "what would my partner wants to have for dinner??"
or "what would make my partner happy??" instead of "how to make my partner happy?".

Everyone who is in relationships and has been with the partner, somehow or rather, knows the person well enough. If you don't, you better go do some soul searching. Hence the question would be 'What?' rather than 'How?'. Yes it sounds the same, but think again.. if 'What' = 'How', they would be the same word and spelling.

Have you showered love to your love ones today???

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