Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Arrival of the Dread...

The dreadful time of the year is here again. Yes, you got it. It's Chinese New Year. I never like CNY, Y? Generally because I find it 'meaningless'. Well, everyone will tell you, or me, it's about gathering of families, the 'once-in-a-year' thing, best one is 'renewing ties'.

Aww c'mon, most of the families I visited, friends or relatives alike, always ended up in gambling. That's probably y I feel it's meaningless. How often do me and my relatives, cousins or elders sit there and chat? Everyone is more concern on the 'Fa Cai', strike 4D (my birthday usually falls close to CNY (both lunar and the norm) and it's usually my 'job' to pick, yeah, you got it, 4 hopeful numbers for all. I relent to it.

I mean, I'm sure there's more to just gambling and thinking of getting rich for CNY right? How come no one ever asked me about how's my health, assuming I'm in perfect conditions upon my prescence. Or how have my past year was like, what are the ups and downs I faced and how to move on? Not that I am in desperate need of the concern but more of such questions, I feel, makes a person feels that he/she is in the family. I don't assume that all the families are like that of mine, nor I'm complaining that mine is of such. But I seriously feel that CNY can and should be more than just getting together and wishing each other to get rich.

Even the CNY songs is mostly about getting rich (Fa Da Cai), c'mon... I feel that such a mindset should change. I don't go around wishing everyone 'Gong Xi Fa Cai'. I hate this greeting line, tremendously!!! Then again, I can't change the mindset that has been going on since way before I was born. I gave up. I can only dread the journey to my relatives' place, and yes, with 2 oranges in my hands.

I feel that Christmas, on the other hand, has much more meaning. It reminds us of the Love that was born to this sin-filled place, bringing hopes and joy to all. I mean, every body wants to be rich, but the mind usually hope of striking 4D, Toto and maybe on soccer bets. C'mon... life is larger than that.

I don't buy 4D, well I did bought a few times when I was young. More of like when my mum and older brother asking me to chip in. I gave just to make then happy. The number never came out. I don't understand the 'thrill' of buying even though my dad striked a couple of big ones, and I mean real big one. Once was almost 70 - 80 grand I think, he gave me 1k, was super duper happy then. I mean, c'mon, for a 10+ year old kid, 1k was like 'Wow!!'. But the thing is, my dad would then splurged on his friends and relatives. Eventually, yeah you got it, emptied the winnings. I learned early that the easier the money comes, the much more easier that it goes. No doubt on dat, it used to reflect on my earlier days of work, my part-time job I mean.

Kinda outta topic. Anyway, I dunno how to face this CNY. I guess the only motivation that I have for the next few CNY, and the past, is my grandma. She's like 80+ (yeah... really old huh), whom I forsee not having much more years to live. C'mon, I'm not cursing her, but it's the truth. So I told myself that I'll, at least, make the attempt to visit her on every CNY without failed many years back knowing that her health will deteriorate along with time. It's the least I can to make her happy in her golden years. That's probably all I can offer right now given that my career has just making head outs.

I started working kinda late compare to my cousins, and even my younger brother. In fact, less those who are studying, I am in fact the last to work. Even my younger cousins started way before me... Anyway, I'll just dread through my CNY and give my granny a BIG SMILE when I see her...

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Come dream with me...

Welcome... Welcome... Come lay beside me and dream.

This is my new bed where I lay asleep and dream aloud. All thanks to Rena, her blog here tempted me to get a space, and I thought to myself, might as well move in my bed.

Oh yeah... one more thing before i go on, I would like to thank Rena, for plagiarizing my you know wat. Should I feel honoured about it??? I dunno, but it does serve its purpose...

As John Lennon penned, "You may say I'm a dreamer... but I'm not the only one...". The first time I heard this song, Imagine, I was very young, primary school to be exact. I fell in love with it. Never gotten the song into my head though, but these words has been my companion throughout my childhood and it still lingers in my head.

I'm a dreamer, everybody tells me so. Idealistic, them being polite, is not a bad thing I feel. I mean, how often do you get what you want? So I dream... of everything. It keeps my spirit alive and allows me to escape from the 'harsh' reality. C'mon, I'm sure you want a world dat allows your heart to rule and express freely. Everyone there abides to you 'willingly' and the path you walk upon is pave with golden bricks (yes yes, i'm plagiarizing here but you get the idea).

And that is why i dream... i can be anyone i want to be, for that moment, and wake up feeling good abt it. And yes, i do wake up from my dream. Frankly speaking, running through my memories, my dreams i mean, there are only a few things i actually dreamt of. And what are those? Stay tune to future blogs to find out.

I guess i'm pretty blessed, in everyway, that my work allows me to dream alot. No, i dun work as a QC for bed companies (perhaps I should give a shot at that). I create, wat seemingly impossible for the eyes, illusions. I dun know how the hack i gotten myself into this line but i'm glad i did. Illusions of what kind, I dun intend to put it here as yet, but it's good. It will put a smile on ur lips.

Back to the dreams... I'm rather excited at this moment and should you like to dream with me, do feel free and let me now, but remember, it's only a dream. We all have to wake up, but while we are awake, let us look forward to nite fall...