Tuesday, August 15, 2006

She drives me CRAZY

As usual, many thoughts and experiences are snowball for sharing thus leaving some forgotten. Perhaps we do that to ourself and also to the people around us at times.
Have you???
Well, I'm sure I did. I'm sorry if I have not called, emailed nor sms you my dear friends, I still treasure you and still look forward to having a cup of nice, hot cuppucino with you.

As for my recent days... Yes... After 10 over years of avoiding the road, more of the driving i suppose, I finally took the steps n passed my driving. Yes, I can drive on the road finally. The joy of passing was mere estatic, the passing that is.

After driving some time, I'm still a little reserved on driving itself. It's like, I hv to take note of so many things while on the road. Looking left, then right, front, then back. Have to regulate my speed, look of for the Traffic Police. Boy... it's quite sickening to drive in Singapore, perhaps it's the same every where.

I rather be driven around. Less hassle and energy consumed. It's like only 2-3 days after getting my vehicle, I gotten into small 'accidents'. First of all, I brushed my left rear rim on the kerb by the mulit-storey carpark while making my rounds down. Twice in a roll that is.

Next, few days later, I was halting by a bus stop near Holland V to check out the maps, I parked too close the kerb and dented my front rim. More of the rim cover. Got worried if it will affect my tyres more of the dent itself. By the way, I laugh at myself and the scratches n dents more of feeling heart pain.

Lastly, on the same day where I dented my rim cover, I 'crashed' into a pole while reversing into a multi-storey carpark and broke my rear halting light. The top one.

Bottomline is, I dun care abt such trival matters as long as the accident does not affect the safety of the driver n his passengers and other road users. The cracked rear lights and the dent... cant be bother with it.

The primary purpose of the vehicle is to help me generate income, as long as it serve its purpose, I cant be bother with the 'accidents' other than the necessary n impt things to look out for.

The bottomline is... I HATE DRIVING...